REM ***** BASIC ***** Sub Main End Sub sub WdK_Export_As_Textfiles 'This script exports the text of documents that are stored with metadata 'in the rows of a spreadsheet as e.g. imported from a CSV-File 'The export format is a directory of plain-textfiles in UTF-8 'The directory will be created in a path relative to the current spreadsheet document 'Attention: files with the same name will be overwritten in this directory without prior warning!!! 'The id of each document, together with other metdata-fields can be stored in the file-names 'The script expects the first line to contain column names for each column 'Requiered: A field "text" or "text_normalized" - the text of the first field with either of these names 'That appears will be stored in the body of the exported documents 'Requiered: A field with the name id which is used for the file-name 'Files-Names will be constructed from a running number to maintain sort-order and the id-Field 'File-Name-Format: 000007-id1811_00000039.txt where the first group of digits is the running number, 'The two groups of numbers follwing '-id' are a unique id for this document and this page in the current WdK-Index but my be changed in future versions of the index 'Optional: If field with names goobi_PublicationYear or goobi_CatalogIDDigital are present in the original documents these will be included in the file names 'Extended file-name format: 000007-id1811_00000039-PPN683485121-pub1883.txt- here, the last group of digits starting with pub represents the year of publication, 'The PPN is a code referring to the unique identification of a book or a volume in 'In the wdk-Index, a document can be found by entering a query on this field in the searchbox, e.g. ID1811_00000083 'Import settings for WdK-Exports from solr as CSV: 'Encoding UTF-8 Language English (if stats are exported) sepearator: , and text-fields enclosed in " 'Please check consisteny of import before exporting 'stores handler of first sheet in document Dim cSheet as object Dim sSavePath as String Dim subDirName as String Dim sFileName as string Dim sFullPath as String Dim sSaveLink as String Dim sIdColumnName as String Dim iIdColumn as Integer Dim sYearColumnName as String Dim iYearColumn as Integer Dim sPPNColumnName as String Dim iPPNColumn as Integer Dim textColumnNames$(2) as String Dim textColumn as Integer Dim maxLine as Integer Dim sTextContent as String Dim c as long Dim t as Integer cSheet = thisComponent.sheets().getByIndex(0) maxLine = LastRowWithData(0, 0) ' lookup last used line in first column 'maxLine = 4 'uncomment this line for testing-purposese 'ask for custom-directory name Dim sMsg, sTitle, sDefault, sReturn as String subDirName = "export" sSavePath = getCurrentPath() & "/" & subDirName 'TODO relativer pfad zu datei oder eingabefenster sMsg = "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen für ein Unterverzeichnis ein, in welches alle Textdateien exportiert werden." _ & "Warnung: Existierende Dateien mit demselben Namen in diesem Ordner werden überschrieben" sTitle = "Unterverzeichnis für Export" sDefault = "export" sReturn = InputBox( sMsg , sTitle , sDefault ) sReturn = Replace(Trim(sReturn), "/", "") sReturn = Replace(sReturn, "\", "") If sReturn <> "" Then REM Gibt den eingegebenen Text aus, eingeschlossen in doppelten Anführungszeichen subDirName = sReturn sSavePath = getCurrentPath() & "/" & subDirName 'TODO relativer pfad zu datei oder eingabefenster Else print "Sie haben kein Namen für ein Verzeichnis gewählt. \n\Wenn Sie den Vorgang fortsetzen, wird das folgende Verzeichnis verwendet: " _ & sSavePath _ & "Alternativ wählen Sie bitte ""Abbrechen""" End If print "Export " & maxLine & " lines to " & sSavePath & "?" 'TODO: Abbrechen ohne Fehlermeldung textColumnNames(0) = "text" 'or text_normalized lookup columnnumber of text, title, id, pagefields from first line textColumnNames(1) = "text_normalized" 'find first name of a text_column for t = 0 To 2 columnNumber = find_column( textColumnNames(t), cSheet.Rows(0) ) If not isNull(columnNumber) then textColumn = columnNumber Exit For Endif next t sIdColumnName = "id" sYearColumnName = "goobi_PublicationYear" sPPNColumnName = "goobi_CatalogIDDigital" iIdColumn = find_column( sIdColumnName, cSheet.Rows(0) ) iYearColumn = find_column( sYearColumnName, cSheet.Rows(0) ) iPPNColumn = find_column( sPPNColumnName, cSheet.Rows(0) ) MyFormat = "000000" for c = 1 to maxLine 'TODO letzte Zeile auswählen sTextContent = cSheet.getCellByPosition(textColumn, c).getString 'oSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1").String = sTextContent 'remove all specialchars? Exceot of - _ to keep lost postions in normalized text? 'store the save location 'prefix with zeros sFileName = Format(c, MyFormat) & "-id" & cSheet.getCellByPosition(iIdColumn, c).getString If not isNull(iPPNColumn) Then sFileName = sFileName & "-" & cSheet.getCellByPosition(iPPNColumn, c).getString End If If not isNull(iYearColumn) Then sFileName = sFileName & "-pub" & cSheet.getCellByPosition(iYearColumn, c).getString End If sFullpath = sSavePath & "/" & sFileName & ".txt" 'subExportAs(oDoc, sFullpath, oSaveOptions) oFileAccess = CreateUnoService("") oOutputStream = oFileAccess.openFileWrite(sFullpath) oFileWrite = createUnoService("") oFileWrite.OutputStream = oOutputStream 'oFileWrite.Encoding = "ISO-8859-1" oFileWrite.Encoding = "UTF-8" oFileWrite.writeString(sTextContent) oFileWrite.closeOutput next c MsgBox "" & (c-1) & " lines exported as text-files into " & sSavePath end sub Function LastRowWithData (ColumnIndex as long, SheetIndex as long) as long Dim oCursor As Object, oRange As Object, oSheet As Object Dim LastRowOfUsedArea as long, R as long Dim RangeData oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets(SheetIndex) oCursor = oSheet.createCursor oCursor.gotoEndOfUsedArea(False) LastRowOfUsedArea = oCursor.RangeAddress.EndRow oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(ColumnIndex, 0, ColumnIndex, LastRowOfUsedArea) oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange(oRange) RangeData = oCursor.getDataArray For R = UBound(RangeData) To LBound(RangeData) Step - 1 If RangeData(R)(0) <> "" then LastRowWithData = R Exit Function End If Next End Function Private Function find_column(strString as string, objRange as object) as string dim oCell as object dim index as long dim FandR as object If strString = "" then End 'Blank entry or Cancel clicked. FandR = objRange.createSearchDescriptor 'Set up find and replace. FandR.setSearchString(strString) FandR.SearchCaseSensitive = False oCell = objRange.findFirst(FandR) If not isNull(oCell) then find_column = oCell.CellAddress.Column Endif End Function Private Function getCurrentPath as String BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("Tools") getCurrentPath=DirectoryNameoutofPath(ThisComponent.getURL(),"/") End Function sub subExportAs(oDoc, sFile, sType) sURL = convertToURL(sFile) oDoc.storeToURL(sURL, sType) end sub